
I'm just going to take a quick poll here: DM to vote on the thing you think I should focus on next
          	①Finishing Magic at St. Mungo's
          	② The Biography of Dolores Umbridge  
          	❴The life and times of DJU, why she is the way she is and who made her that way (hint hint→it may have something to do with Tom Riddle)❵
          	③A little story focusing on George Weasley
          	❴After the Battle of Hogwarts, George Weasley goes to live with Charlie in Romania. There he learns to heal and maybe love again❵
          	Thanks again for all of your love and support. Even when I'm inactive and presumed dead 


I'm just going to take a quick poll here: DM to vote on the thing you think I should focus on next
          ①Finishing Magic at St. Mungo's
          ② The Biography of Dolores Umbridge  
          ❴The life and times of DJU, why she is the way she is and who made her that way (hint hint→it may have something to do with Tom Riddle)❵
          ③A little story focusing on George Weasley
          ❴After the Battle of Hogwarts, George Weasley goes to live with Charlie in Romania. There he learns to heal and maybe love again❵
          Thanks again for all of your love and support. Even when I'm inactive and presumed dead 


Just a quick note 
          It's been an awesome surprise to see this story growing. It's now been two years since I wrote What About Quidditch, and I know I'm better now. All your encouragement helped loads! 
          Again, thanksthanksthanks
          Love you all! 


To all my ducklings,
          It's been an incredibly busy summer. There are so many things I want to do, and so little time. Plus, I have all these ideas in my head that just need to come out. 
          I have been mulling over one idea for years. It's the documentation of the rise and fall of Dolores Umbridge, going back to her Hogwarts days. I have actually done quite a bit of research, I just never started, and wasn't sure how many people would read something like that. 
          The next one was something I had been fiddling with for the last few weeks, and finally started. It's a short story about George after the final battle, told from the perspective of Charlie Weasley. Charlie and the twins were my favorites, so it's fun to write one all about them. 
          For the few of you that read Magic at St Mungo's, I'm sorry. If you dm me, it might give another spark of inspiration to finish it. I just have reached a rut. 
          Thank you all for reading. You don't know how much it means to me. 


Hey ducks! 
          While my summer has been incredibly exiting, I've barely had any time to write. So I am currently starting to edit What About Quidditch, and hopefully will finish before school starts. I have been wanting to change a couple things about the story-tie up some loose ends, like the characters Toria and Danny, and possibly add/delete some parts. So bear with me through this, and I promise it will be amazing after I'm finished, so you can go ahead and read it again! 
          The only other thing I need announce is that I'm continuing work on my poetry book, To Love and To Life. This is a little piece of my heart, and a little window into my life, so please give it a try! 
          Thank you all for your love and support! 


Hey everyone...
          Having an absolutely awful night. I was planning on updating Magic at St. Mungo's, when I opened the word document and realized that I deleted everything I wrote over break. I'm no computer genius, but I've tried just about everything and it seems that it's gone for good.
          Sorry if there's no updates for a while, but this would be the reason.
          And on top of it all, school starts soon, which sucks :P
          Thanks for your reviews and votes. Even in the muck you guys are the best!


Hello, my little ducklings!
          Since I was trapped without wifi for an entire week, I now have a lot more content to share with you!
          Magic at St. Mungo's is going really well, and I have loads of more ideas that I want to write for it, as well as several chapters lined up to post. I'm just wrapping up What About Quidditch, and think it will be done soon.
          If you guys would like to see more of random poetry, I have a lot of short poems that I would love to share. Comment or message me any ideas you have for any of my writing!
          Thank you all so much! Love you guys!


Yes, I know that my Hobbit fanfic, Frigid, is missing. I took it off because I really didn't have the motivation to finish it. If you would like to read the few chapters I have, DM me and we can work something out.
          I'd also be happy if someone else would like to finish it for me. It's a good piece of writing, but I'd rather concentrate on finishing the stories I have up now.