
i am going to try and write more in 2021. no promises though lol
          	i have plans for another bioshock fanfic, and a possible zutara fanfic too. maybe a dead by daylight one as well? again, no promises but i hate the way i didn’t write pretty much at all in 2020. 
          	with that said, i hope you all have a safe new years. here’s to 2021 ✨


Well, this didn't age well.


i am going to try and write more in 2021. no promises though lol
          i have plans for another bioshock fanfic, and a possible zutara fanfic too. maybe a dead by daylight one as well? again, no promises but i hate the way i didn’t write pretty much at all in 2020. 
          with that said, i hope you all have a safe new years. here’s to 2021 ✨


Well, this didn't age well.


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hey all, i promise i will return and continue writing.  i just havent had the time to. being a semi adult is hard and im just too tired to find the time anymore. (damn, how i miss being fourteen and staying on wattpad for fucking hours without worrying about anything lol) 
          but i am kinda forcing myself to write because its like a form of therapy for me/great way to let out all of my creativity out. i miss writing alot and i hope to (hopefully) post more in 2020.


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should i just say fuck it anf write kh & the arcana stories 


@fleshblush i haven't signed into wattpad in over a year or sum and this notification was the first one that came up i hate this website


anyone here that remembers wp from 2013 ?? i seriously miss people from that time but i have n o idea whos even active


            ah hi i remember you! i used to be FanFicsWriter


I definitely miss those days, I've finally got wattpad back and I hope to be more active 


hello all! i hope you all had a great halloween and a wonderful thanksgiving! my birthday was the 28th of october so i sure did enjoy it :)
          just wanted to update you all on what's going on in terms of writing. i'm still writing the other bioshock story, and have decided to post it onto wattpad. so when i finished writing the first chapter, i will be sure to post it! i'm also getting ideas of writing a story around the olympic greek gods, as i've recently been inspired by percy jackson and a webcomic called 'lore olympus,' but i have no clue on what it would be about (maybe just a series of one-shots?)
          i'm also in the middle of planning an original novel! i'm still in the very early stages of planning but it will be posted here when i get everything written out.
          well, i hope you all have a great christmas  and a great new year.
          ellie xx