@lizaverx tbh, I want to make your ff idol domicile with Indonesia language. If u don't mind. Bcs I luv that FF and I think much people would like that too. Especially Indonesian people and Nana's stand. If u don't mind. I ask for permission first to you :)
@lizaverx oh you happen to ship them? Right now, I'm focusing on heart of Aphrodite that's why I am making it as a priority right now. But I'll keep that in mind. Might be in the future. It'll be good :)
@maeriigairu Thanks for the superb support! I really like it when I can communicate with the readers Please continue reading my story! I hope I'll be able to satisfy you guys with a good plot. Have a good day!
@maeriigairu i love idol domicile 1 very much and been waiting for the sequel!!!so now jinah ang hyung seok are together and bit sad though cause i thought she might end up with any of exo's guy probably chanyeol...(nana and chanyeol shipper alert) but still i love the story and caN't wait to find out more...whose that blonde tall guy???a cliffhanger.....anyway kudos to you!!!great job!!!