so, after crying for hour and a half in school today because of family things, I posted a vent on Instagram with only a select few to see, and those who did see it didn't care except for one, and they had brought it to my attention, no matter how many family members choose to hate me, I still have FOUR HUNDRED people here who love and care for me and what I do, and NINTEY THOUSAND people on my sam book who are grateful for the work I put into it(which could be better but I've tried) im so thankful for all of you.
you stuck by me when I didn't know you were there, youve seen every haircut, ever one am hair dyeing decision i made since last year, and as it gets to be around a year of having this book, and having this group of people behind me, I start to realize how much I really have, and im so greatful I have this mix up of Fandoms as my following, and all of these people behind me who are a better family than my acctual one.
I took you all for granted, and I never REALLY appreciated how much you did for me, though I don't know many of you personally, I love every single one of you
in class the other day, my teacher asked what my purpose was
as I was confused then, I just said making my family proud
but im done doing that, im done trying after many failed attempts to get approval for people who don't care and armt worth it
I've realized, my purpose is you guys, knowing this many people love my work is helping me get through so much, friends, (vic and mikey, and maddie<3) help too, making sure im okay all the time
I love them, and I love you
if you'd ever need help, or to vent, or feel down, or just need someone to talk to, ill always be here
ill always be here to talk too, and maybe we'd become good friends
I love all of you
and again, thank you so much