omg omg
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hey, homies. so as of june 14th, (tomorrow) i'll be going permanently inactive on wattpad. rp is just. not for me anymore!! and my admin plans to do some stuff with school and study abroad. it's a "can't afford to get into any unnecessary trouble" kinda thing, y'know?? but they'll be on their writing wattpad account occasionally if you don't have instagram or anything. but if you do, pm me and i'll give you the @. most of you made my time here enjoyable and very. interesting :D to name names? koi, ZANE, ezra, elijiah, angie, pretty lady, haruki, kino, hinata, jude, bitch boy pierre, omar, and zara. most of you, i've known for quite a bit. as for others, we've only spoken briefly but i enjoyed meeting you all :D okay i'm out, time to go play pokemon. i'll be on a couple times in case anyone wants my contact info but other than that, this is goodbye! stay sexy, guys <3
ilysm and im gonna miss u!! <3 God bless u ^____^ u made wp way better for me and for that i love u tremendously
omg omg
i miss u
happy birthday dummy :3 idk if by the time i'll finish this it's still your birthday but whatever. this isn't just a birthday letter anyways so ^_____^ okay. jude. judge judy. ducky. i love you a lot. and that's a cheesy way to start this letter and you've heard me say that a couple of times already but i don't think i'll ever get tired of saying it. there are times where i wanted to let you go so we wouldn't be so hurt all the time, but how could i do that if you're so good to me? i'm gonna sound so whipped right now but you make me feel a kind of happiness and comfort that no one has ever made me feel before. you make me feel really safe, you make me want to be selfish and keep you to myself and it's scary sometimes because. i'm not usually like that??? and i always want to be with you and i just feel so. i don't know how to explain it. but whenever you're not here i just miss you a lot and it won't go away, not until you're here again??? does that make sense???? and it's crazy how it's only been two months?? a month? yet you've become such a big part of my life already that i don't ever want to let go of. but ducky, i'm lucky that i met you, that we clicked so well together from the very moment we started talking. and. i don't think i'll love anyone else the same way i love you.
bbbb i'll be 100% catching up w you as admins but it was so great to have met and known you like jude = best girl ever - please stay safe and i hope you're doing good smooch smooch ily
hey, homies. so as of june 14th, (tomorrow) i'll be going permanently inactive on wattpad. rp is just. not for me anymore!! and my admin plans to do some stuff with school and study abroad. it's a "can't afford to get into any unnecessary trouble" kinda thing, y'know?? but they'll be on their writing wattpad account occasionally if you don't have instagram or anything. but if you do, pm me and i'll give you the @. most of you made my time here enjoyable and very. interesting :D to name names? koi, ZANE, ezra, elijiah, angie, pretty lady, haruki, kino, hinata, jude, bitch boy pierre, omar, and zara. most of you, i've known for quite a bit. as for others, we've only spoken briefly but i enjoyed meeting you all :D okay i'm out, time to go play pokemon. i'll be on a couple times in case anyone wants my contact info but other than that, this is goodbye! stay sexy, guys <3
ilysm and im gonna miss u!! <3 God bless u ^____^ u made wp way better for me and for that i love u tremendously
jude!1!! i love you ✨
i am officially one year older. as of. nine minutes ago!
mhm c: go ahead
◝(ᵔᵕᵔ)◜♡ 'wag ka munang bumitaw, aking sinta. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPi5TDdd2DQ
i'm so corny right now AAAAAA </3 i'm still shy about posting this but i really want to let you know that i appreciate and love you so much. even if you only think of me as someone you have feelings for or a friend, i will always love you.
i love listening to songs that remind me of you. i love how you'd act when i'd tease you and call you a ducky. i love how pretty you always are. i love how you carry yourself around, knowing that you're worth it and making sure everybody knows that as well. i love talking about kdramas with you and our mutual hatred for viki (viki suck my toes juseyo). i love it when you call me haruki, i think you're the only person who's called me haruki and i actually ended up liking it.
i love talking to you. even if there were times where we were a little awkward with each other and did not know what to say. just being with you, god it makes me so happy. you make me so happy. it sucks how our timezones make us talk for a few hours everyday, because i feel like i could talk to you forever and not get tired of it, but i'm thankful i still get to talk to you.
This is for Rachel you big fat white nasty smelling fat bitch why you took me off the motherfuckin schedule with your trifflin dirty white racist ass you big fat bitch oompa loompa body ass bitch I'm coming up there and I'm gonna beat the fuck out of you bitch and don't even call the police today cause I'm gonna come up there unexpected and wait on your motherfuckin ass bitch im coming to beat the fuck out of you bitch cause you did that on purpose with your aundry racist white ass thin haired bitch watch I'm coming up there to fuck you up bitch I'm telling you watch I know what kind of car you drive
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Duration: 2 days