Hello. My name is Rune. I'm very sorry, I cannot imagine the emotional turmoil you all must have experienced. But I feel obligated to give all of you relevant information regarding "Moth." They're alive. I just talked to them. I want to make you who sees this aware that they've read all you have to say. They requested I deliver you all who see this a letter, the following is below.
“To Aydimations, I cherish our roleplays a lot, and you were a dear friend to me. To gman, you were there for me when even I wasn’t. To Rena, I’m sorry and I hope you’re in a better place. To Rena’s mom, I’m sorry you had to lose your daughter. To the poultry man, this is my final letter to you. To everyone who’s left a message here, I’ve read them all, and I’ve cried. To everyone who hasn’t, I still thank you. I’d include every single person I used to know, but I’ve forgotten many of you, and a lot of you go by different (user)names now. I’m a different person for the better. I’ve improved on writing, my drawing, and as a person. But the memories I shared and made and the people I’ve met on this platform will always hold a special place with me. I plan to keep this account inactive, so this is my last message. I’ve appreciated all of the condolences. I’m sorry if this seems messy, but there’s so many thoughts and feelings I have, yet not enough words in the world to explain them. Thank you for reading, and have a good night. I’ve missed you all. I miss Wood Wars. I miss staying up late at night to roleplay and have silly fun. I miss Jacob and my character I played. I’m sorry to everyone I never got to meet and the people I’ve been too scared to tell this to. I hope you can all forgive me for letting you grieve for so long. If you have any questions or want to reach out to me to talk further, I have a Discord account. My username is retiredfromsad. with the period.” This concludes their letter. I hope all of you can find close in that they've acknowledged your feelings. Rest well, take time to process, and make today amazing.
“Hi, everyone. I hope you’re all doing good, both the friends I knew and the ones I don’t. It’s been a long time, three years now since my last post, in which I had planned to take my own life. And, clearly, I have not. I’m alive, and I’m well. I go by Amy now, and I’m no longer struggling as much with my mental health. Since my last post, many things have changed. A day after I sent it, police came to my door to check on my well-being. Then, I was IP banned (or something of the sort) by police and couldn’t log in to my account and I haven’t worked up the courage to make another and give an update on my status. Also, I forgot my login. Until now. I’m sorry that you all had mourned the death of a friend for so long, and I apologize that I’ve only now told you this. Things have changed a lot. I don’t remember any of your accounts anymore, yet I do at the same time. Thank you all for being there for me, even when you thought I was gone. I remember the day I started the account and just added some random person. I miss you all a lot, and I’m so, so, so sorry I’ve been quiet for so long. -“