
          	Thanks! I know, the saddest book ever. Rudy :'( He was my favourite character. x


Hi, I just wanted to say that I am a massive fan of yours, and I really enjoyed reading 'Circus Act'. It's really gripping and innovative. It's so refreshing to hear something new. Thank you for making reading on Wattpad so pleasurable! :)


Hello fans, 
          I don't know whether anyone reads these. Personally, I happen to be fans of many annoying people who post these damn broadcasts about 400 times a day. 
          I haven't done one for a while, so hopefully no one will un-fan me (: 
          Sorry, I just don't want to become annoying. 
          I just wanted to first say, how ware you all? I've bee off wattpad for a while - life got chaotic. I actually deleted all my uncomplted stories (sorry if a favourite of yours was among them!) just because I got so fed up with seeing no little green ticks. 
          I'm actually going to try and complete things so that I don't agrivate anyone who is enjoying a book that I never finish. 
          I've written a short story called Circus Act - please tell me what you think. 
          Don't worry you can read it! Although it's not all updated (got to keep readers waiting, huh?) it *is* finished and therefore it will all be updated shortly. 
          Please drop by and leave a comment! 
          Thank you, 
          Flo x