hello ladies i just wanted to let you know that now you can now read mentira in spanish!!! thanks to @BananitaBlue !!! you can find it in my reading list and go leave a vote!!! love you also im feeling fAmOuS
hello ladies i just wanted to let you know that now you can now read mentira in spanish!!! thanks to @BananitaBlue !!! you can find it in my reading list and go leave a vote!!! love you also im feeling fAmOuS
holo there! ladies, I am here to announce you that I have no idea when imma post the next chapter for mentira. because this bitch right here is going to work 6 days out of 7 and I'm tired okay
I'm sorry but I'm trying my best
hi guys :) sorry for deciding to post this just now, but I've been so busy this month that I barely have time to spend on here. I have three exams left so hopefully I'll update next week. I have already half of it written, but it's not good enough and I refuse to rush it. and that's about it I guess
take care xx
hello my friends i just want to tell you that mentira is
#1 in jacobbixenman #1 in jacobbix #1 in kinkyshit #2 in tracob #4 in troyesivan #6 in mentaldisorder #13 in lovewins
i did that
thanks for coming to my ted talk
and love you and thank you all!!
@Scandaluos nu sunt genul care să vorbească cu multe persoane. adică răspund/dau mesaje unei singure persoane. deci nu te astepta sa fac vreodată asta =))
si aminteste-ți ca stalker-ul din mine te vede mereu