
hey, y’all! long time, no talk. if you don’t remember (doubt yall do lmao) i’m ellie, and i wrote the book Nerd Girl that was popular around 2013-2015 i think lol. i’m thinking about maybe republishing Need Girl? and starting Chasing Eden back up or writing an entirely new book in general. anyways, i hope y’all are doing well! i’m  19 now and my life is a mess hbu lmaooo


hey, y’all! long time, no talk. if you don’t remember (doubt yall do lmao) i’m ellie, and i wrote the book Nerd Girl that was popular around 2013-2015 i think lol. i’m thinking about maybe republishing Need Girl? and starting Chasing Eden back up or writing an entirely new book in general. anyways, i hope y’all are doing well! i’m  19 now and my life is a mess hbu lmaooo


Okay so ive been wondering for the past year now. What happened to Nerd Girl? It was my favorite story on here and just reading the notification on my phone that said Nerd Girl had been updated was the highlight of my day. I was wondering about what happened to it since no one else seems to be asking about it and it kinda scares me. I feel like it didnt even exist and it was just a figment of my imagination. But nevertheless, thank you for writing it. 


it did exist but elle and I have went through a lot of things this last year or so. yeah, we've both really matured, elle a lot more than me. and she left things in the past, including that book, specifically. although you didn't seem worried about her wellbeing and just the book, she's fine atm,


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Having a shit ton of medical issues, guys  haven't had much motivation to do anything, honestly. But I'll have a new chapter up soon. My laptop is broken, so what I'd written is all gone. Redoing it all on here and hoping for the best. Life is kinds kicking my butt. Hard. 


          I'm not dead. THOUGH. I am really really sick. I have been for damn-near two weeks now. Things aren't really looking up. There's a lot going on personal-life wise so sorry for the wait, but hopefully new chapter out Monday. I'm trying to close everything up, so, it's a Rylie chapter  have a nice week or whatever. I honestly don't know what day it is