
Namaste and Hello dear readers!
          	Next chapter of His Jaan will be updated tomorrow


Hey was His jaan deleted b4 ?? Now tht it’s back are their any changes in the new version or could I read it from Wher I was left ??


@noorreadsalot I didn't abandon it dear. I took a break because of some personal problems which I addressed and informed later on, anyways nice having you back :))


@flowers2Iamcreative I hope the updates are regular & you won’t abandon the book like before ♥️


@noorreadsalot  only chapter-36 of His Jaan is modified, rest everything is same in the story.


Namaste and Hello dear readers!
          So Many of you are asking about their possession and ruined by him after the advent of my other books
          and I have given my response to this many times but this here I am providing a summary for everyone so that no more questions are raised about them-
          Their Possession and Ruined by him will be continued from next years as there are many other books of mine which are ongoing, Hence I have removed their possession but not ruined by him 
          ( Please do not request me to update ruined by him, I'll not until next year!)
          Only His will not be continued on Wattpad and will be continued on another platform as informed under 'Note'
          Whereas His Jaan and Tainted will be continued here on Wattpad itself but this might be changed in the future for the book 'Tainted' but for now it will be available on wattpad!


Author  hello
          Have u by chance deleted their possession it's one of the most anticipated book for me waiting for so longhgggggg


@Userknotme  I have removed their Possession because I am not continuing with that book for now, when I'll start updating that book I'll reupload it :))