
It's been a year and half since I checked this godforsaken site. I'm an inactive/archive account now! I'm so so so so so so so so so sorry for never actually finishing Hopeless Romantic, although I'm sure everyone has moved on (considering I know some of you on instagram and we've all moved on from this site LMAO). Both this site and the community were different years ago. This is my closure from never actually finishing 99% of my stories and never saying a proper goodbye. Thanks!


It's been a year and half since I checked this godforsaken site. I'm an inactive/archive account now! I'm so so so so so so so so so sorry for never actually finishing Hopeless Romantic, although I'm sure everyone has moved on (considering I know some of you on instagram and we've all moved on from this site LMAO). Both this site and the community were different years ago. This is my closure from never actually finishing 99% of my stories and never saying a proper goodbye. Thanks!


Anyways someone shared this recently and it was extremely helpful. It worked for me and I changed my password and email. After finding out about the data hack I was very stressed out and anxious about my information because I (ignorantly) use the same email as everything else. After following these steps I checked and my email is not pwned anymore. 


I hate wattpad so much. It's infuriating how shitty this app has become. I'm still on here because there's still a shred of worth within reading and staying connected to some people. But it genuinely sucks that the data thing happened. I've dealt with stupid new updates and more stupid ads but this new data hack situation is terrible. I didn't even hear from wattpad themself, I heard from other people about it. 


@imaginary-numbers Yeah stuff like this is scary so it's understandable how we're reacting. I hope you feel better when you take your break, tho! Hopefully everything is/will be fine. 


Yeah really :/ I’ve been anxious about it for a bit (obviously) and it really sucks it took almost a month to find out about it. Granted it’s not too personal and doesn’t compromise finances but im still so stressed


I have to get used to clicking my profile at the very top right of my screen now instead of just regularly at the bottom like the other things thanks wattpad


You have to do what now—