I feel bad that I haven’t had the time to write. So here’s a little excerpt from the new chapter that’s in progress:
We stared at each other for a long time, but unlike earlier, it was not in awkward silence. His hand was lightly caressing my upper arm. Just how long had he waited for this? I put my shaky fingers to his swollen, reddened lips (that probably mirrored my own) and asked, “Why?”
“Why? Do I need a reason why?” He hadn’t stopped grinning.
I lightly brushed his cheeks, with those boyish freckles that littered his skin. I think I might have described them as stars in a clear night sky in the past. But, they are the product of the sun, aren’t they?
If I wasn’t kissing him, it was the sun’s doing in these little speckles. If it wasn’t me being sweet, it was the flecks of brown sugar pinched on his nose bridge, his cheeks, his forehead, his neck, his collarbones, his hands, his legs. If he didn’t have his freckles, it was like brushing the cinnamon off cinnamon toast.
“No. Why do you make me feel this way?” I have never been so poetic before.