
          i wuldd thankk you frum the bottom of my heartt, but for you my heartt has no bottom :] 
          meaninq :: thankk you for becominq my fan! i know most people don't do this, but i just had to. && i need to thankk my fans for becominq a fan! you rockk & are the reason i write! :]
          i love you! not likk that...but you know whatt i mean!! but seriously, you made my day!! 


Thankx for fanning, mate :'D
          I hope you continue to read my stories :) If you're interested, I have three other stories that would suit your taste ^__^
          A Death Lipstick Kiss On The Cheek
          The Angel's Voice
          Please Be Careful With My Heart
          Please don't forget to click the mini icons on your left as you read ^0^
          and Mail it to your friends :D
          Thankx again, for everything ^___^