
Hello, I hope all of you are doing fine and your conditions are good enough. I apologize for not updating sooner than I expected to be, and the cause of the delay was I suddenly had a fever, always coughing here and there. And no! It's not a corona, okay! It's just a normal sickness. Anyway, I'm thankful that my fever has somewhat gotten better and I am finally able to write whenever I can. A few of you have messaged me or commented on the "Stuck in Harry Potter's World" story, saying that you want this story to update and it made me think, 'What's the interesting thing in this story?' -- I'm so sorry if I accidentally offended some of you, but I seriously didn't find something that was… well, interesting.
          	But when ideas after ideas appear in my head, there's just something that's missing until this one idea. I don't know if you will enjoy it, but I hope you like it. Oh yeah! I just remembered. About the "Infatuation or Love" story, the next chapter perhaps will be a long one so -- I think there's a possibility I will update just like the last chapter, and a little bit of spoiler! In the next chapter (or the second next chapter), there's finally Harry fighting the Basilisk part and it's because I want the second year to just end already. Also, about the "Affettuoso" story, I'm still confused with this story -- I mean, I don't know what to write next that's all.


Hellooo hope you're doing fine ! I love your brothers conflict fanfiction ❤ Can't wait for an update ✌


@Lorelei_Marvel18 well, hello there. Thank you, I hope you're doing fine as well. Thank you for reading my story, by the way, I appreciate it. I hope you'll be patient enough to wait for the update then :)


Could you contiung harry potter it’s just have bart 1 it’ awesome pleasss update 


No don’t worry you have life too and college soo l don’t mind wait more ☺️


@Hannen208 about that story, I'm not sure. I mean, I haven't had any ideas about what to write next, but the story is not discontinued. Also, I've been focusing on some of my stories and planning to write a couple of new fan fiction/stories. On top of that, I have college, so I guess around this June or July is the time when I become active in writing. I apologize for making you wait, by the way.


Helloooo I just wanted to ask if mesmeric is still on going??? Thank youuuu


@ -lazyrain hellooo!!! It's still on going, I guess. The reason I haven't updated it for so long is because I don't know what to write next and I have college. I want to make the next chapter interesting for my dearies, but until now, I still haven't got any idea :'). However, I'll try my best to find many ideas I'm really looking for and then pour all of them into the next chapter. Thank you for reading my story, by the way!
            (//^ v ^//)


hi there! I recently came across your book Infatuation and I can't wait for the next update! could you tell me when you'll be updating next?


@ -dearshay oh my, hello there! I'm so sorry I just noticed this, and to answer your question, I actually don't know because whenever I want to update my stories, it's quite random. However, I'll try my best to update it as soon as possible. Thank you for reading my story, by the way, I really appreciate it :)