Hey bbs! <3
If anyone has been on my account recently you will notice that I have taken The Problem With Perfect down. In the past few months my writing style has developed a lot, and I no longer plan on continuing to write that specific story. When I started writing TPWP I felt like it was some of my best work, but since then my writing style has progressed. Because of this I have decided to let go of that project and start a new one that I feel fits my new style more and will challenge me as a writer.
As of now, I have just started a new project and I truly have no idea when I will get far enough to feel confident publishing it. If you are still with me now- even with my inactivity- or plan to follow me thank you so much for sticking around and please know that I do have some content on the way but it may not be published for a few months at least. When I feel more confident and farther along on this new project I will publish a first chapter and send out another announcement explaining what it will be about and my inspiration.
Again, thank you all so much for sticking around, and hopefully you will be seeing some new content on my account soon.