


“ ¡ no soy una amenaza !  i mean no harm .  ”


            “ uh huh . . . “ right now all she could do was just stare at him like he was crazy , as someone who was an expert in martial arts she’d definitely know if something was up . or at least that’s what she believed considering just how strong of a fighter she was — and ranma was always a person of her word .


            “ i’m with the mexican special forces .  we’re after someone highly dangerous  ,  as soon as we find him i’ll be out of your hair .  ” in order to show off his friendliness , rudy raised his hands in self defense .  usually the mexican special force would stay out of international trouble , but the person they were after was dangerous .  extremely so .


            “ likely story ! what’re doing sneaking around , huh ? “ she’d give him credit . . . he must be well trained , enough to the point where ranma didn’t hear him at all . but amazement aside — the red head was bewildered as to what a soldier was doing somewhere / relatively / peaceful .


“ you’re not from here  ,  are you ?  we get a love of tourists here in italia .  ”


            “ don’t worry about me , i like traveling on foot anyways , it’s how i got here , “ ranma boasted with a cheeky grin , plus it was a real money saver , even if swimming through any body of water he came across made everything damp . 
            “ didn’t catch your name by the way , i’m ranma saotome — “ he extended his hand towards the other man .


            “ so you’re japanese ?  that makes a lot of sense .  ” though he’s met many of tourists in the 20 years he’s traveled through italy , caesar could hardly recall ever meeting someone from japan .  then again he usually forgets faces he doesn’t deem as ‘too important’ .  “ most like to ride across the gondolas .  but don’t fall for any tourist traps  ,  they’re only after ripping as much money from you as they possibly can .  ”


            “ wouldn’t be surprised since i’m japanese , “ he teased , he couldn’t be bothered to pick out the different accents and dialects , or rather , ranma wasn’t very well equipped to do so . usually when he travelled it was with his father , but that stupid old man doesn’t even try to learn new languages so ranma was in a lose-lose situation either way . 
            “ can’t blame you , i moved around a lot as a kid . this seems like a pretty cool place to settle down in though . “