
I feel so lonely and alone


I feel so lonely and alone


@flushysushi I love you too mi amor, thank you ❤


@flushysushi Mi amor I love you. I am always here for you


@flushysushi im trying to stay in touch to people but I feel like an outcast


I don't know what's up with pc but I really prefer writing using scratch paper, I get more creative lmao


not just in writing but academically speaking. I often jot down notes for subjects while listening attentively. I think this one too is scientifically tested as I've read in article somewhere (I think its from the guardian). Higher retention plus you understand it more :D


about the power of writing, idk, you guys should try it out. Maybe it's not for all but, works for me


@flushysushi I do remember reading an article from inc. about it though


Perhaps insecurities are the hungriest entities that have ever existed in this world. For it will not let you sleep in peace-- it will keep on consuming you with no end as if it had felt nothing but starvation and will continue to feel so because it is, solely, an endless rumbling of ones inability to achieve what other's had fulfilled through their perseverance-- contrary, is the farming of own feed, a food planted and carefully cultivated by the hand itself. Have we, humans, not realized it yet? We create our own hunger, realistically and in a man-made manner. And whatever kind of hunger that is if not dealt with the right feed or an attempt at least, will continue to consume our inner serene and satisfaction only to be left with a bitter emptiness. An acidity and a sourness to the stomach and soul.
          An excerpt from my new writing that I really like which I will submit somewhere, hopefully. stay tuned I guess? ^^


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I remember reading a certain passage from Norwegian Wood which was a line of Reiko,
              "Every once in a while she'll get worked
               up like that. But that's OK. She's letting                
               her feelings out. The scary thing is not 
               being able to do that. When your feelings     
               build up, you harden and die inside, then
               you're in deep trouble."
          if there's anything I want to say here, it's that I am so scared of doing that to myself and I have to forever remind that to myself becauae I have a bad, destructive behavior of bottling everything up. Right now, I don't have anyone to run to and I'm honestly fucking up.


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I have decided, I think this is actually a good avenue to post my book reviews since I barely have followers here and the thought of they will give a fuck. I'm gonna do this right after I finish reviewing for exams and reading the two books I have (Yes, I engage in polugamous relationship but only in books lmao)


@flushysushi polygamous* oops I guess you can't edit posts here oof. I sure I sounded like a granny using computer for the first time. This chip of technology is amazing.