@sami77 I quit track because I didn't enjoy it and no one ever talked to me so I felt like an outcast and thanks for the cover! Ill download it when I have a bit more time because right now I'm headed out fishing but thank you soo much for reading my story and making a cover!! And yes you should start writing a new chapter for ghostly! :P
@its_dbigs your such an amazing writer and you totally deserved it. I'm in the process of reading She Took My Breath Away, I started it last night and i also read Letters To Lexi. Your such an amazing writer!
Hey thanks for the fan! I don't know what I did to deserve it, but I appreciate it. By the way, do you mind checking out one of my stories? I have a romance one called She Took My Breath Away and a murder one called We The Jury Find You Dead. If you could, please, I would really appreciate it! Ciao!