
Earlier on I made a discovery, depending on who you are as a person it may be very important.
          	So like a year ago all the twilight films got took off Netflix (at least they were where I live) and in exchange were put on Prime Video but you can only rent or buy them. 
          	Anyways when I was looking for something on Disney+ I found out that all of the twilight films are on there. So if you’re looking for somewhere you can watch twilight legally that is currently the only place I know of. 
          	Of course it only works if you have access to Disney+ but I thought I should still share it either way.


☁️ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ hello && sorry i’m late on this ,, but tysm for voting my story SUPERNATURAL ; ANGEL EYES, i rlly appreciate it and i hope you’re enjoying the story!! follow me for more updates or comment on my story to give me feedback ,, it would mean a lot to me ࿐ྂ


Earlier on I made a discovery, depending on who you are as a person it may be very important.
          So like a year ago all the twilight films got took off Netflix (at least they were where I live) and in exchange were put on Prime Video but you can only rent or buy them. 
          Anyways when I was looking for something on Disney+ I found out that all of the twilight films are on there. So if you’re looking for somewhere you can watch twilight legally that is currently the only place I know of. 
          Of course it only works if you have access to Disney+ but I thought I should still share it either way.


Apologies if this is triggering to anyone, I’ll start of there.
          TW: mention of su!c!de,su!c!de of a loved one/friends 
          So I’m really really scared rn. I received one of the most cryptic texts ever from one of my friends earlier, 1hour and 21 minutes ago to be exact. She thanked me for always being there for her, to some this may seem like nothing but if anyone has friends that are in bad places mentally or are in a bad place mentally themselves I’m sure they’ll understand how worrying this can be. 
          Since she sent me that text she won’t reply to my messages or any of our other friends for that matter, she’s posted some pretty worrying things on both Snapchat and TikTok, my texts will no longer deliver to her either and she also won’t answer my calls. 
          I genuinely think that she has committed, she’s said for a while that she will and she’s tried it before. But I think that this time she was being completely serious and that she is actually going to go through with it.
          If I’m being honest I don’t know why I’m posting about this on here, but idk what to do. I’m sorta lost I guess? I think I’m hoping that someone has some advice on what to do in this situation because I desperately need some right now. I have no way to get in touch with any of her family to ask if she’s ok and well no one can get in touch with her.


Ok really good news, she’s for the most part perfectly fine. 
            She came into school today so that’s great. She just refuses to talk about it and she won’t really talk to me, all she said to me was that she was just in ‘one of them moods’. I can’t find it in myself to be bothered or upset by her distancing herself right now because I’m just relieved that she’s alive and ok. <3


@mcclincys unfortunately her phone is off it has been for over an hour. There are many people who are aware, a lot of them being adults too but none of them seem to be helping her. She’s been like this for over a year and she’s tried before to do it before on more than one occasion but it didn’t work. It’s different this time though, things really took a turn for the worst in her personal life so it’s sort of just been adding fuel to the already roaring fire that refuses to go out. 
            Thank you, I hope and pray that I get a good update soon too <3


is her phone off? if not, keep calling because even if she doesn’t get to it, eventually somebody else will. all you can do is hope for the best. in my experience, when someone makes it obvious that they intend on su!c!de it’s typically a cry for help rather than the real thing, so hopefully someone has been able to reach her or she’s just taking some time to reevaluate life. praying you get a positive update soon<3


Ok so this may still be a thing meaning I’m just stupid and just can’t find how to do it.
          Butttt, I swear there used to be a way to have conversations with people privately on here and not just so everyone who looks at your account can see it? Like DMs or messages or whatever they’re called (not a big fan of social media so…)


There was meant to be emojis in that but I guess they decided not to work so i’ll make my own and do them here becsue the thing looks weird without them but I don’t wanna type it all up again. :)
            [ ~ : 
            I’ll let you decide where they fit into


Ohhh ok thank you that put my mind somewhat to rest  
            I mean to be honest I’ve had a lot going on in my personal life, some might say too much but I’ll get over it. Always do :)
            On a different note how are you? 
            Funnily enough I was actually looking at your account just before this and looking through the things on your conversation board 


@flwrsforthemoon Yeah, there are DMs on here, though they're going to be put to an end soon.
            Have you been doing alright? I haven't heard from you in a while. <3


I’ve very recently come to the realisation that if anything I had to pick something, my biggest fear would definitely be not being good enough for anyone and disappointing the people around me. 
          I don’t know why or how I realised that buttt I did and if I’m being honest I think it actually scares me a bit because deep down I’m pretty sure I know that I’ve already done both of those things.
          But enough of my sob story. How’s stuff going for everyone else ?


Mmm, hiyaa!! Sorry for posting this here b-but can you give this a try? Pleaseeee? If it's nott suited for your taste, can you vote on ittttt? 
          I made a bet with my friend to see which one of our stories would reach 1k votes first huhu thank youuuu (⁠个⁠_⁠个⁠)


Personally it’s not anything I would read but I voted on the parts you’ve posted, because bet or not I rarely reject to support aspiring writers. However, I can’t promise that I’ll vote on future parts as I more than likely will forget about this, as I do most things .


Ok so I think I may actually die. The other day I found a fanfic it’s a Daryl Dixon x Male OC the person cast as the OC is Timothée Chalamet and it’s a thing of him and Daryl put together for the front cover btw the OC is like Hershel’s nephew or something and from what I remember in the description him and Daryl knew each other before the apocalypse and then find each other again and I added it in my library and I can’t find it I looked at all 2518 of the fanfics in the library and it’s just not there and idk the name of it or the writer and all I can think about is it so that’s annoying. If anyone has any clue what I’m on about please lmk it will be greatly appreciated!


I don’t remember doing this 


            It’s called ‘Past Lives’ by superluvsick they also made another really good ff called ‘The Exit’ and that’s also and The Walking Dead fanfic