So, here's the deal. I'm entering the Wattys2019 with a new story that I've been writing. Check it out, leave some comments and some votes, let me know what you think!
So, here's the deal. I'm entering the Wattys2019 with a new story that I've been writing. Check it out, leave some comments and some votes, let me know what you think!
I just want to alert all of my followers of what's been going on in my life. I haven't been updating in a long time because my father passed away in December. It's going to be a little bit for me to come to terms with things and only then can I bring myself to write again. I want to thank you all for still following me despite how I haven't actually given you any new material in forever.
Thank you,
Grace K. Stone
Hey, so, I've been unable to write pretty much anything for the past 4 months. Worst writer's block of my life. But lately, the juices have started flowing again and I should have something beginning to upload in about a month or so, so expect good Christmas presents!
Hahaaa. So, apparently I'm a horrible person, because I never uploaded that AA chapter... Oops. However, I AM rewriting Kiros with an revamped plot and new characters. It will not be coming out for a while though, not unless you guys REALLY want it. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
Ok, so, you may have realized that I've been super absent lately. The reason is that I'm in Germany currently. If you wanna know what I've been up to, check out my Instagram. @katherinegrace77