
So, here's the deal. I'm entering the Wattys2019 with a new story that I've been writing. Check it out, leave some comments and some votes, let me know what you think!


I just want to alert all of my followers of what's been going on in my life. I haven't been updating in a long time because my father passed away in December. It's going to be a little bit for me to come to terms with things and only then can I bring myself to write again. I want to thank you all for still following me despite how I haven't actually given you any new material in forever. 
          Thank you,
          Grace K. Stone


@flygirl1 So sorry for ur loss. Take ur time.


Hey, so, I've been unable to write pretty much anything for the past 4 months. Worst writer's block of my life. But lately, the juices have started flowing again and I should have something beginning to upload in about a month or so, so expect good Christmas presents!


Hahaaa. So, apparently I'm a horrible person, because I never uploaded that AA chapter... Oops. However, I AM rewriting Kiros with an revamped plot and new characters. It will not be coming out for a while though, not unless you guys REALLY want it. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!