I just wanna say how is Dream being canceled for a tweet that only says "woman" as a person that's born female I don't take that as an insult...

hE's mErCh iS tOo eXpeNsiVe, it'S jUst a smIleY fAcE, i CaN jUsT PaInt iT MysElf. Stfu. 1. I bought Dream's 14 million hoodie and his fishnet like socks. It's amazing the sweater is fūcking comfortable as fūck. 2. If you think it's expensive then don't buy it it's literally so easy "IGNORE" it. Karl got canceled for saying "hi"...

I'm not done Dream is literally the most kindest person I've met he donated to many streamers, and invited some underrated mcyts to the Dreamsmp I never knew who foolish gamer, ranboo, captainpuffy, tommyinnit, tubbo, wilbursoot, fundy, niki, abd hannahxrose before I saw the Dream smp. He's been canceled for so many dumb reasons.