I got a message from s_tesendic asking me these questions. I'll answer them here for you so yall can get to know me better.
1. Favourite character in HP?
Luna or Hermione
2. Favourite book? (from HP series)
3. Your house?
Hufflepuff (according to pottermore)
4. Book vs. Film
Book. Duh
5. HP vs. Twilight
I like HP better but I like Twilight too! All those HP fans hating on Twilight, I don't get it.
6. Order vs. Death Eaters
7. Wand?
Erm let me check Pottermore... Dogwood wood, Unicorn hair core, 10" in length, Surprisingly Swishy flexibility
8. Favourite subject?
Bonus. Ilvermorny house?