
Even if the worst of the worst happens things will soon enough get better


I need a life...LOL. Ok that was forced. Also need friends and cake. Velvet would be nice... I'll just read more. It passes time.


@IshiRitorumi it was really nice to read, thank you for typing it up.


Also thank you for adding "Kiss Me" under your reading lists! 


@flying_nekobun, thank you for taking a read on one of my works!


So what to do when spring break comes to an end. What to do? Clean? Draw? Maybe stop playing possum and paint? It really is spring isn't it. Instead of going outside I hide in my room, and don't do much. I planted a new plant... I hope it grows. Thoughts that cross my mind. I boy I knew as a kid moved away recently. I haven't talked to him in a while. About 13 kids used to play on the street. All gone and moved but 3. One is a druggy. Another used to be but straightened out. And last there is me. We just grew up and I don't remember half there faces. Not important but, these are my thoughts. What happened?   


Sometimes I have wondering thoughts at night. I think about the mistakes  I have made and what people think of me.  I know some think I'm a crack head because I'm so happy all the time. Its not true but do I really act like that. How annoying are judgmental people. Just cause they have a stick up their bottom doesn't mean they get to accuse me of being overly happy.