
New Chapter of Outcast friends, go get it!:-)


Hello my lovely. I have no idea if you are still active on your account but I just wanted to spend the time to write a message about you and your story. 
          Wow. Everything about this fan fiction was beautiful. I don’t often take the time to compliment people’s writing but something about yours made me addicted. I finished Outcast a few days ago and I haven’t stopped thinking about it for so many reasons. 
          Firstly, the way you write is so satisfying. I felt so connected to Eleanor and all of her emotions throughout the whole book. They were realistic to the trauma and events of her past and you could fully understand why she ‘acts’ like she does. Many writers often fluff up and romanticise trauma but you didn’t, and I think that’s what makes your work stand out. 
          Secondly, the timeline and pace of this story was perfect. Meeting the characters half way through the shows timeline established better development and bonds between characters. 
          Adding the idea of mediums into the apocalypse was a really good idea and really brought a different approach to the scenes and characters we all know and love. 
          Yet again I like how you weren’t scared to explore the dark world that the apocalypse would likely turn into. There are a lot of cruel people out there. Also I enjoyed how you weaved romance into the whole story and how heartbreaking that can be. 
          I hope you are proud of everything you have written because it was an absolute honour and privilege to read. I could go on forever with reasons why I love this story but I will limit myself. 
          Thank you for writing this. I will definitely re-read this in the future because it is now my favourite. 
          And to anyone reading this who hasn’t read this story before you definitely should. 
          (Ps.  you and Eleanor have great taste in music.) 
          ~love Holly  ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆


After 400 years, a NEW CHAPTER OF OUTCAST has been posted, go check it out:-)


@TheTinyValkyrie Thanks for checking it out!<3