Hello. I was wondering if you could give me a tip on how to get ideas for my fanfic. I'm really bad at stuff like that lol. You can look at my profile to see the ships I will do you can pick the one I do to :D. Thank you
I'm thinking about making a xmas story. A plushtrap x reader story.
The setting of the story is around xmas. Like rn. Lol. So yeee..
I deleted my first plushtrap x reader book.. I know a lot of people liked it. Im sorry but i just got bored with that story and i was like, 16 back then. I didnt know anything about life lol So now im just gunna write a new one. I hope y'all like it more then my old one. The first chapter should be out by today. If not y'all can pm me and yell at me lol
I knew i haven't updated anything in a while.. Relax don't think I'm quiting, I'm just trying to get organised in my new place, yes not every minute I'm working but i still do other things besides write on wattpad, I'll update stuff wen i can, and to notify my fnaf, there will be a hold on that sorry, I'm going to work on skyrim story's, and I'll eventually get back to fnaf, untill. i even get back pls everyone be patient..
Some of you might get mad... But don't. I will replace it... And eventually make a sequel of it like i was going to...
Anyway... To get to the point....
I DELETED Springtrap x reader lemon...
Sorry for people who liked that!! :(
It was old, and i did it when i was new to wattpad and kinda a noob.. But started tonight im makeing a new book. Don't you springy fans worry.. Ok anyway, i gotta get writing soo :p see ya lata alligata!