
Just passed my 2 year mark since joining much has changed in 2 years!


GAH! I know I haven't updated in FOREVER, but I have a legit reason this time :D
          This semester I took a Creative Writing class (we're doing a short story project) , and I've been putting all my time into making that as amazing as possible since it'll be a major part of my grade. Which means I really to be strict on grammer and plot holes and what not. But i'll be done with that soon, and then I'll update not only Only Sally Knows, but I'll put the short story online! Title? Keeping A Soldier's Heart :)


The awkward moment when I don't update for almost a month. ALMOST. This month was a busy month, if it wasn't my friends birthday parties, it was finals, if it wasn't finals, it was me being lazy because finals killed my brain. Anyways Only Sally Knows chapter 35 is up. I really wanted to stop a certain part, but don't have enough time to write to that point, so you'll have to wait til next week for the good stuff :)


Hey's the end of November and if you're partisipating in NaNoWriMo that means you're typing like crazy to meet your 50,000 words. I'm currently at 43,000 words and only have 4 days to get to 50,000 because of that I don't think I'll be updating Only Sally Knows until November is over. Got to focus on NaNoWriMo. But we'll see :)