
if you wanna keep up with my new fanfictions that are coming up then please do fell free to follow me on Quotev since I'm technically moving there.


Amphibia if there were four was canceled do to me losing interest of continuing but i might bring it back if i feel like it im very sorry for this news and ive decided to do this bc of my interests I hope you understand this. feel free to unfollow me i won't be doing amphibia if there were four anymore but try to do DSMP fanfictions instead im very sorry about this to you those who loved Amphibia if there were four and was looking forward to it.


I can't belive the show of amphibia is over.. who knew i would cry over one of the first shows that i was actually around for to see on disney channel at the age of 10 and now 3 years later I'm 13 and turning 14 later this fall and this show is so relatable bc ive always never had true friends bc they were always miltary and ive never had somone stayed and ive met some good people and they are military and ive gone into a very deep stage of depression but watching amphibia lifted my spirits and changed my life and i know its just a show but when i write my fanfiction i imagine myself with theses charters and i sometimes even forget im on my pc typeing think im actually there and i would make my own book my very own book inspired by amphibia's growing charters and make it feel like that everyone can change and let childhood things go and who knows they might come back to you such as later today i was rideing my bike and i saw my very very first stuff animal i dontated on the road and i picked it up and saw the stiches my mom put on it when it's head fell off and i took it back home and fixed it up and cleaned it and i keep it as a reminder that anything is possible even things from 4 years ago or even 10 they will eventually return. now i just wanted to share that with you bc i think it would be a great thing to know that anything is possible if you trust yourself and follow your dreams. i hope you're having a great day keep your back straight drink plenty of liquids and always stay close to those you trust.


when I finish with my fanfiction what should I do next? another fanfiction or try to gather some friends of mine to work on a book together? feel free to throw in ideas for other fanfictions that i could try to work with.