Current Updates:
- My laptop has broked on me awhile back and I'm not completely comfortable writing on my phone.
- I graduated (finally)
- we have a cat that likes to scare the life out of me. He is a chunky boy that is also a ninja. I call him minion. No that's not his name.
- last year on Christmas we welcome 2 Chihuahuas into our family. They unfortunately passed away not long ago. R.I.P Rosie and Ivy
- Another dog (Niko) as welcomed to the family but we had to give him away. He was a good boy.
-Yes we still have Cookie (pitbull) but we also now have chickens. I didn't bother memorizing their names.
(I seriously need someone to bully me [motivate me] into continuing the updates of my stories. Don't even think about Jen, you already nag me about my health and habits. I'm nearly immune to you so it won't work)