
          	The eleventh part of koroleva to celebrate 11k reads. 
          	And it’s about bloody time I posted a chapter too. 


this message may be offensive
bru i’m sat here and i’m trying to write this fucking chapter and my screen keeps freezing so I have to restart it but then I lose all my work and i’ve written it down about 4 times by now and i just can’t be arsed like i’ve lost my shit. 
          also i’ve unpublished the latest chapter because i’m not really happy with the ship building scene as I don’t think it reflects their characters that well and there’s some inaccuracies in it so hopefully if my laptop doesn’t keep lagging it will be back up soon with a new chapter following it. 
          also, are we wanting smut orrr? 


          Idk if you’re still going to continue koroleva - ‘cause i can’t tell if you were writing the show version or the book version. i am so sad that this has happened …
          there’s a petition on a website that the fandoms will try to bring the show back though …


I KNOW i’m gutted tbf but koroleva is NOT cancelled as well
            i was gonna do like a mixed version of the shows and the books but it would likely be more of the show but then again there was gonna be a lot of canon diversion because of aster anyway so it doesn’t really matter   
            i’ve already signed the petition haha, i was not letting that slide 


Hey are you in the middle of your life? Are you okay? Did you enjoy the concert?
          When do you think is the estimate day to write, edit or just update your story?


i’m sooo sorry i haven’t been active. i did enjoy my concert thank you billy joel is awesome. and i’m doing alright it’s just so hard to find motivation to write, at the start of summer i had all these plans to write my book and i haven’t and i feel like shît about it. i’m currently packing for uni and i’m going to spain in a week as well. i’ve decided to learn to drive after uni because i wouldn’t have a car in uni anyway and there wasn’t enough time to do it this summer. i’m really hoping to do a chapter for you guys before i go to uni and i will definitely continue in uni as well, i’ve got the whole thing mapped out in my head. i haven’t forgotten about it and i’ll have an update for you soon xx


And are you retrying your theory test?


bro i haven’t written in so long i just had to go back and read through koroleva. that’s so embarrassing. 
          i also found things that just didn’t make any sense so i had to change a few bits - nothing major, but someone really needs to take my keyboard away from me


thanks boo, think i’m gonna really work on this next chapter cause i rushed the last one a bit and i don’t really like it but hoping i feel happier with the next one, thanks for all your support, mwah


Welcome back! I hope you’re feeling better. Take all the time you need ❤️