♔I Am The Book Princess Welcome To My Kingdom♔ 
❤ツthis is for all my readers out there
No matter where you are
Or where you come from
No matter if your young or old
No matter how you are feeling
This is for every single person
Around the globe around the world
Read my book a nerd in love
Then checkout if i could have one wish
Maybe a vote here and there
Maybe a comment times two
Follow me for now and forever
And I will do the same to you
Wattpad is my second home
A place I will never feel alone
It's a place for authors writers
With a story waiting to be heard
It's up to you to give them a chance
It's up to you to let their story be heard
It is in your hands now
So what will you do
Will you leave it in the lost and found
Waiting for someone to stumble across it
Or will you give it a chance
A chance to please you
A chance to make you smile
A chance is all that it asks for
So what will you do
Will you give the story what it deserves
Or will you toss it in the trash
Without a second glance
"Long patience and application saturated with your heart's blood
you will either write or you will not
and the only way to find out whether you will or not is to try."
-Jim Tully, WD
So will you try or will you not?

With ❤ k ❤ツ
  • Gastonia
  • EntrouMay 23, 2015

Última mensagem
forbiddendreamer forbiddendreamer Jan 19, 2021 01:57AM
Greetings! So I wrote most of my stories in middle school and they aren't really a vibe anymore. So I unpublished them because yeah 
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