
/  h..heyyyyy…  anybody feel like dropping stuff?  :')


you  two  seem  friendly.    care  to  introduce  me?
          *   ehani‼️


this message may be offensive
(  @knivesthrown  ) 
            [  as soon as he pipes up, ember activates her cold death stare that could surely kill if she possessed some kind of laser eye power. it will have to get the point across without being literally deadly. her defences are building higher by the second. ]    fuck off. it's not your business.   [  with her bluntness delivered, the blonde begins to walk ahead of diego at a quick speed, in an effort to buy some time before his incessant interrogation continues. ]    the last thing she needs is to be introduced to  /more/  hargreeves. you're not even getting the chance to scare her off.   :/
            /  oh i just KNOW he sees it way before ember does,,


ah  ah  ah  ah  ah,    sit  your  ass  down.    you  aren't  coming  to play  human  shield.


(  @knivesthrown  )
            i'm not gonna sit here and play passive princess, either.   [  immediately, her lips twist into a displeased scowl. naturally, she refuses to follow the instruction. her arms fold over her chest, and she steps closer to her brother with determination, lowering her chin. ]   you're not going to put your ass on the line and play superhero without me.  ( .. )   besides i'm not  /only/  a shield. i have more use than that, hermano.


ember.    ( .. )    grace  ember.   lila,   uh,   said  i  can  choose  this  first  one.


(  @knivesthrown  )
            you don't have to.  [  ember is quiet for a second or two… or twenty. she realises that her reaction isn't quite what's appropriate. sometimes, it takes a second for her to really accept how much she means to diego. there's a warmth flourishing in her heart in ways that she hasn't felt in a long time, for so long. in fact, her bottom lip begins to quiver. before she can even process her own action, she throws her arms forward and pulls her big brother into the tightest embrace. her head buries into the groove of his shoulder, where it has always fit. ]   . . .  but it's beautiful. and, you know, mom picked it for me too.
            /  oh. oh okay!!  okay!!!!


i  love  him.   don't  know  what's  so  hard  t'  get  about  that.


LONG  STORY  SHORT,   @forcombat- :
            an  oaf.    {  the  repetition  of  the. . .  insult?   adjective?   comes  with  a  soft  sound  that  isn't  dissimilar  to  a  laugh  of  disbelief,    unsure  of  whether  to  defend  her  new  lover  or  accept  the  comment  as  a  nicer  version  of  sibling  teasing.  }   diego  said  somethin'  similar  months  ago.   pretty  sure  that's  the  closest  thing  to  a  compliment  i've  heard  'round  here.     ( .. )    klaus  is  better  than  anyone's  ever  treated  him,   em.   he's  not...    {  a  beat.   mara  has  already  seemed  to  slip  back  into  weighing  her  words,   biting  her  tongue  as  though  it'll  keep  her  from  being  too  sharp.  }    he's  my  best  friend.   
            *    their  song  btw !!   the  bdilh → shs  mashup  belongs  to  klara  :')


(  @livingdeaths-  )
            because he's. . . . .  [  ember's nose scrunches in a mild disgust that is only born from the fondness of a sibling. a few beats of silence pass as she tries to settle on any word to describe klaus hargreeves. ]    . . .  an oaf. that's the nicest thing i can come up with right now. like, girl—-  i did not see it coming. you're,, different.
            /  "i'm his lady, and oh my god you should see your faces"


i  get  the  feelin',   believe  me.    's  like. . .  god  loves  you,   but  not  enough  to  save  you.    


LONG  STORY  SHORT,   @forcombat- :
            eh,   read  enough  old  poetry  t'  pick  it  up.    {  a  lyric  written  however  long  ago  is  what  it  truly  is,   the  memory  of  words  she  let  go  unspoken  inside  a  journal.   in  the  end,   the  fire  bent  under  the  weight  she  applied -  but  that  doesn't  mean  her  hands  were  never  burned.  }    your  hands.    ( .. )    we  might  all  be  in  this  together,   but  it's  still  your  hands.    don't  think  any  of  us  are  experiencin'  this  the  same  way.    {  a  scoff,   quick  and  nearly  deprecating,   passes  her  lips  before  she  finally  settles  down  beside  the  younger.  }    what're  you  in  the  mood  for?   motivation  or  a  second  to  agonize?
            *    mara  is  THEE  ethel  cain  variant ,,  it's  never  over !! 


this message may be offensive
(  @livingdeaths-  )
            that sounds like it belongs in some old poetry book.  [  despite how ember scoffs, her eyes soften slightly as she dips her head. she lets the words settle in her mind, drawing her heavy eyelids closed so that she can breathe out. ]   yeah. i just. .   ( … )   this  /can't/  be my life. i've fought too fucking hard with my bare fists for it to be this far out of my hands—-  our hands, i guess.
            /  ethel.. ethel cain……  you're sick. you came back with VENGEANCE.


if  you're  here  t'   give  me  the  third  degree,   don't  bother.   i  won't  play  twenty  questions.
          *   s1  :')     sorry ,,  she  was  on  edge !! 


LONG  STORY  SHORT,   @forcombat- :
            that  so?   {  her  rough  tone  is  paired  with  the  scathing  look  sent  ember's  way,  unintentional  yet  to  be  expected  in the  aftermath  of  luther's  recent  grilling.   why  must  she  explain  herself  beyond  the  basics?   why  is  she  expected  to  be  transparent  in  the  face  of  these  people  who  are  equally  as  forthcoming  as  she  is?    her  history  plays  no  part  in  protecting  them,   and  yet. . . 
            it's  reluctant,   how  her  tension  relaxes  ever  so  slightly.   ember  has  been  one  of  the  few  tolerable  ones,   and  despite  her  reservations,   she's  not  about  to  turn  down  a  drink -  not  after  the  day  she's  had.  }    ( .. )    sure.   after  that  shitshow,   'm surprised  you  didn't  drink  it  all  yourself.   he  treat  all  of  you  like  that,   or  do  i  get  the  special  newcomer  treatment?  
            *    oh  ember  hargreeves ,,  you  would  have  loved  fortnight ,,  


(  @livingdeaths-  )
            i'm not here to do that.  [  deadpan as ever, ember is quick to shut down the woman's defences with her own. she rises from her lean against the doorframe, her arm outstretching in time with her slow steps toward the other. ]   i'm here to offer you a drink. i know how insufferable this family is. 's the only way i get through being around them now.   [  the blonde raises the bottle of vodka. ]    i've also got whiskey stashed.
            /  she's so valid,,  unfortunately i must say that ember hargreeves was indeed a functioning alcoholic til nobody noticed her new aesthetic  </3


if  it's  alright  with  you,   i'd  prefer  to  have  this  conversation  (without)   an  arrow  aimed  at  my  face.


(  @guardstime-  )
            if you wanna have this conversation, you're gonna need to accept my terms buddy.   [  through gritted teeth, ember remains firm in her stance. in fact, she raises her bow a little higher until the arrow is in line with his right eye. where her trust is low, her stubborns prevails. ]   i'd prefer you to start talking.


i am not an enemy . i can assure you , we're on the
          same side .
          //; apologies for the lateness !!


taking a leap of faith and doing so wouldn't
            hurt .    ( . . . )    i understand why you
            wouldn't , but believe me , i want to stop
            this as much as you do .


(  @rebelscomissions  )
            you expect me to what, trust you ?   just,,  take your word for it ??   not a goddamn chance.
            /  you're all good, me too !