
//   missed this man . cb + specify 


/ he gets caught for once ooopies
          “ you’re not supposed to be back here .  ”


            eyes were as sharp as daggers , following the other’s every moment in return .  pluto could easily slit their throat no problem , call it a day and just use the fresh meat as an appetizer .  but no , things had to be more complicated than that .  “ so what then ?  you’ll just rat me out to anyone who’s willing ?  ”  his words were precise , he’d have to metaphorically walk on eggshells here and pray he doesn’t slip through the cracks anytime soon .
            / straight as a ruler i’d say.. 


    hand resting resting on the gun on his side , carlos watched the other carefully . he would tilt his head at pluto , ``  I wouldn't be so sure this time ,  bud .. ``  he says calmly , looking around the room slightly before back towards the other man .
            ↳ @killermenu 
            //  carlos making trouble with all the gay people he talks to at this point frfr </3 . it's cause he's straight isn't it ? ( I lie )


            “ clever one  ,  aren’t you ?  ” of course it was a threat , pluto could feel his own blood boiling from the inside as his clutch upon the knife grew tighter .  “ i could easily find an excuse .  i’m VERY persuasive  ,  you know ?  how else would you think i made it this far ?  ”
            / pluto IS gay ..


this message may be offensive
“ you’re  fucking  insane … ”
          ⧸   post - stabbing  mayhaps ?


   grabbing some other stuff,  he would move closer to apollo . watching him carefully he would move a chair over before sitting down . ``unless you want to bleed out , move your hand . `` 
            ↳ @ofbehaviors 


apollo’s  expression  shifted  to  confusion  as  he  grabbed  the  painkillers  from  the  other  man .     he  hesitated  for  a  moment  before  taking  two  pills  dry ,   watching  carlos  carefully .


   there was silence from the man as he just stares at the injury , listening to the pained breaths that left the other man . he could just finish the job , but the knowledge of knowing apollo has daughters was what was stopping him mainly .  `` take these .. and stop moving around so much . `` he mutters through gritted teeth , passing along some painkillers before grabbing some bandages. 
            ↳ @ofbehaviors 


the  feeling  of  the  blade  of  plunging  into  his  abdomen  drew  a  sharp ,   pained  gasp  from  apollo .     his  hand  gripped  the  other's  arm  in  an  attempt  to  steady  himself  as  he  tried  calling  out  for  help .


this message may be offensive
he  groaned  as  the  other  moved  the  blade  in  and  out .     head  tipping  forward  slightly ,   he  tried  holding  back  any  more  pained  noises .        " fuck  you , "   he  managed  to  mutter  out  through  gritted  teeth ,   his  breathing  starting  to  become  a  bit  labored .


  after a bit , carlos would pull back from the other just slightly . eyes narrowed on him , his grip would remain if anything growing tighter . `` if you yell for help .. `` he began  , his voice low as he push the blade more into the injury before mockingly and slowly pulling it out . not fully , just enough to cause pain and get the point across. `` this will only become more painful for you . and that would be a shame..``
            ,, @ofbehaviors 


apollo  sucked  in  a  sharp  breath  when  he  felt  carlos's  mouth  on  his .     he  felt  lightheaded ,   but  couldn't  tell  what  was  causing  it .     logically ,   he  knew  he  should  be  fighting  this ,   pushing  the  other  man  off  and  calling  for  help .     but  he  suddenly  couldn't  seem  to  move ,   halted  by  both  the  absurdness  of  the  situation  and  carlos  holding  him  still .


stop looking at me like that…


“ as  of  late — ”   the  sounds  coming  from  the  keyboard  became  loud  and  sudden   “ — your  usual  arrogance  is  more  than  enough  to  get  that  job  done . ”


    `` irking you   ? please  , you make it so easy . `` he scoffs out , but nonetheless , he turned his gaze away 
            ,, @ofbehaviors 


apollo  shot  the  other  a  glare  before  turning  back  to  his  work .        “ maybe  if  you  weren’t  so  intent  on  irking  me … ”
            ⧸   just  innocently  admiring     [  eyes  ]


wipe  that  damn  smile  off  your  face.


apollo  shook  his  head ,   turning  away  from  him .        “ nothing — ”


   ``  what's  with that  look ? `` carlos definitely caught the surprise expression on the other  , his arms crossing now . 
            ,, @ofbehaviors 


the  change  in  tone  caught  him  off  guard  and  apollo  glanced  up  at  him .     it  wasn’t  so  much  the  change ,   but  the  tone  itself .    he  shook  the  surprise  off  though  he  wasn’t  sure  it  was  fast  enough .


you  really  think  you  have   / that /   much  of  an  impact  on  my  life ? 
          ⧸   coughs  <33


    eyes narrowing slightly , carlos would sit up in his chair now . he could tell there was something bothering the other man , but he had a feeling he wouldn't say anything . not after last time when it came to advise and whatever  .  ``  right .. ``
            ,, @ofbehaviors 


apollo  shook  his  head  and  ran  a  hand  through  his  hair .     even  if  the  other  would  be  receptive  to  his  venting ,   carlos  was  the  last  person  he  would  go  to  for  comfort  or  sound  advice .        “ it’s  nothing . ”


    carlos would stare at apollo for a moment before letting  out a  heavy breath  .  ``  feels like more than that . ``
            ,, @ofbehaviors 