
The prologue to my new story Captive has been published. Please read it and tell me what you think. I hope to have the first chapter finished and ready to publish sometime in the next two to three weeks. This week is homecoming, so that's why it's going to take so long. I look forward to seeing your comments!


The prologue to my new story Captive has been published. Please read it and tell me what you think. I hope to have the first chapter finished and ready to publish sometime in the next two to three weeks. This week is homecoming, so that's why it's going to take so long. I look forward to seeing your comments!


I finally got around to writing the next chapter for These Moments. So if you get the chance, you should check it out! I've decided to finish writing both Push and These Moments around Chapter 10 maybe. After careful thinking though, I've come to the conclusion that I should just stop at what I have now. It will give me the chance to finish and publish the new story that I have been working on. I hope this is okay for you guys. If not, please let me know and if there are a lot of people against, I could change my mind. Please send me your feedback on the new chapter and my new idea. 


@forever_out_of_love Oh lol ok because. i stopped by and was like oh no updates, must not get online lol


Yeah I wish I could get online more, but I'm just really busy and when I do go on, the app will start glitching sometimes which really annoys me. In fact, that's the reason it took me so long to reply to you. I will start updating a lot more in the summer when I don't have to worry about school.  So I hope you can hang in there a little while, because I've been thinking up of a lot of good stories and chapters to add to my stories already on here.