
Check out my new book 'My Alpha Mate'.
          	(Not really new. It was up on my previous account but i'm trying to start fresh from the start and also the plot and other stuff is changed around in this book and a better version. So check it out. Share. Vote. Comment. Thank you.


We are travelers on a cosmic journey; stardust, swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal. We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share. This is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in eternity


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You can't expect to go through life having people rub your back and consistently feel sorry for you. This world is tough, if you want to survive and be a more positive person deal with your own fucking issues and put yourself first. It's not easy, nobody will ever tell you it is. But you are the only person that can make your own life that you're so fucking lucky to have, so stop abusing it.


Sometimes things are too much and I want you to know that's okay. There will be times when you want to break down and cry, times when you want to fall asleep and never want to wake up again, but that doesn't mean you are weak. It makes you human and that's beautiful too. After everything you've been through, you can still feel. Never underestimate that because you know what that means? There's hope. It means you'll feel love and happiness. It means you'll feel pride and joy. It means you're still alive, but more than that, it means you're still living. Stay strong. Stay beautiful.


Whatever you are doing right now, take a deep breath, then another. You are beautiful. Has anyone told you that lately? There's something more important, you're strong. Sometimes it feels like you're not- maybe even most of the time, but please don't forget you're stronger than you'll ever know. Every day, you wake up, no matter what. No matter what you've gone through, you wake up in the morning, take a second to appreciate that. After all these years you still have hope. Maybe it's buried inside you. Maybe that sounds ridiculous, but you keep going every goddamn day, and that is what makes you incredible. But breathe today, breathe right now. Sometimes things are too much and I want you to know that's okay. There will be times when you want to break down and cry, times when you want to fall asleep and never want to wake up again, but that doesn't mean you are weak. It makes you human and that's beautiful too. After everything you've been through, you can still feel. Never underestimate that because you know what that means? There's hope. It means you'll feel love and happiness. It means you'll feel pride and joy. It means you're still alive, but more than that, it means you're still living. Stay strong. Stay beautiful. Never stop feeling. But sometimes, just breathe.


@DocendoDiscimus , Aw thank you and my pleasure :)


Your message is brilliant!❤️ thank you so much for your follow, it is such an honour!