
hello everyone!
          	it's been ten years since i joined this platform. TEN YEARS! that is so crazy. thank you so much for enduring the past decade with me. it's been one hell of a ride.
          	i'm currently on a hiatus now to focus on academic work, but i have so much stories to tell you once i get back and i'm excited to continue work on of heartbreaks! 
          	i love y'all so much and i'll see you soon!


hello everyone!
          it's been ten years since i joined this platform. TEN YEARS! that is so crazy. thank you so much for enduring the past decade with me. it's been one hell of a ride.
          i'm currently on a hiatus now to focus on academic work, but i have so much stories to tell you once i get back and i'm excited to continue work on of heartbreaks! 
          i love y'all so much and i'll see you soon!


hello there! it's been a while!
          for now, i'm pausing all updates to my stories as i've been getting busier due to my thesis and internship happening at the same time. i apologize for the inconvenience and the long wait this has caused you. rest assured i will be going back to update them once my schedule finally clears up! thanks for understanding and i'll see you soon!


The first chapter of my new essay series Of Heartbreaks is out now, and what better way to kick this arc off with a tribute prologue!
          This seemingly endless barrage of chatterbox madness of a person (PS: This is meant in a good way!) will play a key role in the most important project of my life so far. What was initially only a requirement for graduation will become a journey of healing and facing one's inner demons...head on.
          Enjoy reading! More chapters will be published soon!

          You can listen to the four dedication songs here:


You know what's cooking? A brand new essay series!
          In This Beautiful World will have a sequel! It's titled Of Heartbreaks, and will be focusing on the most important project of my life: my thesis.
          The very first chapter will feature a brand new Teacher's Day tribute and four new dedication songs with it! Do you want to know who it is?
          See you on May 25th!


hello there! it's been a long, looooooooooong while!
          as previously announced on in this beautiful world, the album i was working on during its timeline is already out! stream my second full-length album all these songs were written just for you. here:
          i decided to end in this beautiful world at chapter 39 'cause i don't have the energy to continue it any longer. i've also been getting really busy lately as we're already writing our thesis, so please understand this sudden announcement. but there's more!
          and arguably my most important announcement right now...
          i'm working on a brand new essay series!
          more details about it soon!
          for now, i hope you enjoyed reading in this beautiful world as much as i enjoyed writing it! i can't believe one person singlehandedly changed my life and inspired me to make the series AND an entire freaking album! but anyway, i'll see you soon!


hello everyone! it's been a while! merry christmas/happy holidays and happy new year!
          it may've been already obvious, but i'm taking a much-needed break to recalibrate myself. i haven't really updated itbw at all but we're almost ending the series anyway. 
          yes, we're almost at the home stretch. thank you so much for all the love and support you've given in this beautiful world! i couldn't bring myself to finish it because of you all, but i will try my best.
          in the meantime, i'll be working on some big stuff. i've already teased about it, so please look forward to it! and while you're waiting for the release, please stream my discography on your preferred streaming platform on my bio! 
          see you soon!


Now that I think about it, I forgot to announce this last year as I was really busy recalibrating myself at arguably my lowest point in life.
          My Mami, the subject of the second Teacher's Day tribute back in 2017 The Affectionate Mother, Suzette Pascual, has passed away on October 8th, 2021. 
          Here's my obituary for her originally posted on Facebook:
          "You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars.
          You have the right to be here.
          And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should." - Desiderata 
          It was 2017 when someone came into an unsuspecting room of students who were getting to know each other. The person was rather intimidating. No one dared to speak. The moment she introduced herself, everyone warmed up to her—especially me.
          In fact, I was the one in my class who was the closest to her, literally and figuratively. Our houses were a few blocks away from each other. I'd go to their house and chat away into the night with her best friend and my former teacher with my mom (almost) always getting worried where I have been. I went to celebrate her birthday twice, and one of these times were her friends and some students like myself surprising her with food they bought or cooked. A few moments later, my former teacher and I would witness probably one of the sweetest moments yet: her husband came home—flowers and perfume on hand—to celebrate her birthday. My former teacher said he barely goes home for such occasions due to his work. She said it was her most memorable birthday ever.
          I remember going every Teacher's Day to her house to greet her. Three years ago, she gave me a bowl of sopas. Despite being cold, it was warm enough thanks to her motherly touch.
          Further reading on the comment section


But the one memory of her I remember the most was on Philosophy class. She taught the meaning of her life poem Desiderata to all of us, and the room was filled shortly after with waterworks (mostly from me). She would come to hug me tight, and another one as she left the room. I was unsure of what I was doing then.
            The thought of having to write some sort of advanced obituary for her is rather strange for me. Through her actions, however, it became a story of kindness, happiness, and the greatest showings of a mother's love. The obituary became a story. The story became a book. The book became a world. The world became hers.
            "When someone passes on, for those around him, it was as if a character was simply removed from the story. But for the deceased, their entire world has gone away. However, even for other people, Mr. Iwata's presence was too great to simply call him a character in the story of life. Mr. Iwata is gone, leaving a massive impression around him. Yet, even so, our world continues." - Masahiro Sakurai on Satoru Iwata's death
            Indeed, she was more than a character in many people's lives, myself included. She is a burning force of passion, a force too great to ignore. Yet it is a story where everyone comes and goes. Everyone has to move forward.
            Of course, I'll miss frequenting her house even when I'm bored. I'll miss the engaging Philosophy classes. I'll miss her amazing singing voice. I'll miss her food. I'll miss her hugs. I'll miss her wisdom. I'll miss her friendship. I'll miss everything I love about her. But in the end, she lived her life on her own terms. She lived with burning passion for the academic profession. She lived touching the lives of everyone she meets. She is fully aware of the fact that one day, we'll not be in this world anymore, might as well live it to the fullest.
            Rest in peace, my forever Mami. What a life well-lived.


Big announcement regarding the Teacher's Day tributes!
          With the iDOLM@STER catalogue slowly being added into streaming platforms, I will be updating U&I and Thank You with the corresponding dedication songs once they become available!
's gonna be pretty soon, so look forward to it!


PS: I'm trying to remember what songs were exactly featured on each chapter, so it'll take quite a bit. Please bear with me!


          Chapters 26-33 have been published yesterday! I decided to drop them all to prepare for the second official Teacher's Day tribute!
          I've been waiting to publish this for a long time but it got stalled because I needed to personally give Sir Regel's gift to him, and the subject of this two-parter tribute played a key part in the surprise!
          What initially started as a fun and mischievous plan while Sir Regel was out for the week due to coaching a batchmate quickly became an intimate conversation about life—not as professor and student, but as two broken souls in dire need of mending.
          Please enjoy Rollercoaster Rides and Inner Thoughts!
          Rollercoaster Rides
          Inner Thoughts
          As with tradition (and since Sir Regel's tribute), we have four dedication songs!
          The first song is Peppertones' Thank You, featured as an ending theme for JTBC Newsroom on February 26, 2021!

          The second is Jang So-yeon's I Want to Take Your Sorrow, which was used on December 28, 2021!

          The third is Bump of Chicken's Hello,world!, the opening to the first season of Blood Blockade Battlefront!

          And the last is Carole & Tuesday's Someday I'll Find My Way Home, the insert on episode 5 of the series!