
Love One Direction and anything to do with them%uD83C%uDD94! I live in USA%uD83C%uDDFA%uD83C%uDDF8! I love food%uD83C%uDF54! Halloween%uD83C%uDF83 and Christmas%uD83C%uDF85 are my fave holidays! I blow out the candles on 6/29%uD83C%uDF82! LIVE WHILE WERE YOUNG is the motto%uD83D%uDC96!


Love One Direction and anything to do with them%uD83C%uDD94! I live in USA%uD83C%uDDFA%uD83C%uDDF8! I love food%uD83C%uDF54! Halloween%uD83C%uDF83 and Christmas%uD83C%uDF85 are my fave holidays! I blow out the candles on 6/29%uD83C%uDF82! LIVE WHILE WERE YOUNG is the motto%uD83D%uDC96!