
The lead singer of the band Lifehouse has the most beautiful voice I just want him to sing to me someday.


Thank you for following! I also love Rihanna and Lana Del Rey :)


@iguess_imamess I will definitely listen to it and she must be your fav? haha


@originalqveen you should listen to a World Alone it's defo one of those songs that just stays with you ya know? and like idk she writes music for teenagers like real teenagers not teeny bopper Taylor Swift music (nothing against T. Swift i actually like her) it's just Lorde has this thing about her ya know and ahh sorry when it comes to Lorde I just ramble sorry


@iguess_imamess She's very different which is good. I like Royals, Buzzcut season, and Team.


Thank you so much for the follow, I really appreciate it.
          I don't know what it feels like to be depressed, or what you're going though, but just remember that you're not alone in this, and that you matter :)  I love your name by the way; you seem like a lovely person.


First off:
          I really love your profile, specifically your description. I can really tell from that, that you're truly a lovely person, despite the depression. My mum has it so I kind of know what it's like, kind of, because I don't actually.
          Anyways I'm here to thank you for the follow, and to also thank you for voting for bones, like I did before.
          Except last time I didn't read your bio. This time I did. :-) xoxo