

-the sky is blue and kinda obvious facts about natalie- 
          I was tagged by @the-water-city to do the 13 facts about my self. 
          I'm tagging @ineffabley @-complications @aoioa527 @Siriusly_fandoms . 
          If you want the rules, check out @the-water-city last pot in her book .  So here we go.
          1. I'm Canadian, home of the maple syrup and long ass winters. 
          2. I have lived 4,896 days.
          3. I am in a lot of fandoms. Like I don't even know how many.
          4. My Hogwarts house would either been Gryfinndor or Ravenclaw 
          5. I aspire to be a writer.
          6. I love Nutella so much, I have a sweatshirt with it on it. 
          7. I love to listen to music. 
          8. My favourite bands of Blink-182, All Time Low and 5sos 
          9. If I could describe my life in one song it would be Young Blood by The Naked and Famous 
          10. The only sport that I actually enjoy is archery. 
          11. If I were to live in a fictional world, it would be the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. 
          12. My favourite movies are The Breakfast Club, Stuck in Love, and Coraline. 
          13. My OTP is Bellarke from The 100. 
          Heck yeah, that's over. Anyways have a wonderful day/night :) 


@aoioa527 did you watch the finale of le 100 


I though you meant Jasper from Steven Universe lol XD 