
// ; i know wattpad is pretty dead rn, but... if anyone wants a surprise one-liner, cb 


// ; i know wattpad is pretty dead rn, but... if anyone wants a surprise one-liner, cb 


you    reek    of  ..      secrets.      spill  it,     immortal      one. 


            secrets and immortality — two things that auriel was more familiar with than she'd probably care to admit. though she was not immortal in the ' traditional ' sense, auriel had been given a gift, as her father once put it; and this was to age more slowly than a normal human would. so she would likely live longer than what was expected, which auriel had yet to determine was a blessing or a curse. she wasn't sure what to say to the stranger at first, so she merely chuckled awkwardly at what rurik had said. auriel then subtly backed away from him and shrugged. auriel did this all whilst she held her head up high, as to not show rurik that she was the slightest bit intimidated by him, " uhh... i'm not sure what you mean, sir. is this your way of trying to flirt with me or something? because i'd normally say i'm flattered, but i have yet to run into someone who's asked me about my ' secrets. ' " 
            // ; sorry for how late this is!!


`            "    hey?     it's  auriel  right?   "     bruce   reaches  her  a  yellow    thin  piece   of  paper  with  his  number   written on  it.    " you  did  mention  we   could  catch  up right?"    he   chuckles  due   to the  fact  that  he      might       actually  be   coming  off  as  a jerk  or  something.    "  alright,  alright,   i   don't    want  to  come  off   as  an  ass,       but  i   was   just   wondering   if   you  might   be  up  for  some  coffee  and  a  meal.      not  as  a  date  though.   you  know  just  to  catch  up.   your  words  not  mine  right?   "    
          /   okay,    but    bruce  might  be  low-key  crushing  on  her.  Lmao     


`     he  chuckles.        that's    the  last  thing  he  expected  to   hear her   say.  especially  about  what  he  just  admitted.    bruce   squints    his    eyes,    eyebrows  furrowing   ,  as   he   pretends   he's    trying  to  remember it.   " i  have  no   idea  what  you're  talking about?    or   you  certain  it  wasn't  another  bruce? "     he  jokes.   "  no,   but it's  fine.    i  didn't  mind   if  you  needed to  cry.   sometimes  you  can't  help  what  you  feel  or  going  through.  it  can  happen  any  time.  you  know  to   any  of us  "    he assures  her.    "   well,  I'm   glad   to  hear it.   i heard  i  was  terrible  at  them  "       he  pulls   at  the  lapels  on  the  over  coat.  " i   don't mind,  and  i  mean that's totally  up to you.  " 
            /     I'm  rooting  for  him  too.  Lmao nah,  I'm  jk,   but  yeah,   I  can't  debate with that.  Lol   oh,   i  mean  i  feel  like their  first  date  will  be  kind  of distance and awkward a  little. Lmao   yeah,  yeah, he's  a  billionaire.  Lol     


            `       she's   right.  he   barely  got any  time  for  himself,   working  at  the  wayne enterprise,  and  being  a vigilante  at night.  stopping  criminals  from committing  crimes.  it really  does  take  a  enormous  toll  on him.  i mean sometimes  it's  exhausting to be  up  all  night. barely  getting  any kind  of  rest.  it's  exhausting.   it's  stressful.  it  tears   at  you,  and   bruce   couldn't  exactly  disagree with what she is  saying.  he  hopes  one  day  he'll  be  able  to  catch  his  breath.   a  lazy  smile   now  settles  on  bruce's   lips,  masculine  hands   finds   themselves    back    into   his  pockets.    "  yeah,   i  can't  debate  with  that. "    fun?    bruce  can't   actually  recall   the   last   time  he  actually   had  fun,     though  he  knows   the  burdens   he  bear everyday,   and  he  can't  afford  a   lot   of  fun  in   his  life.   i  mean  what  is  he  even  doing?  he lives a  dangerous  life, and  getting     involved  with     someone probably  isn't   a  very  smart  idea.   " who me? "  he   smiles.  " i  don't   really  consider  myself  popular.   "   he  nods   his    head up  and down  once.  "  yes,   he  did  in  fact  drive  me  here?   and  yes,  that's  very  nice  of  him,   but  he's  always  doing  the  offering "    he   chuckles  ,  holding  his  hands    out   towards   the  side.    "'I'm  a   gentlemen  "  he  clarifies  with his  best  smile  yet.   " I   mean  i  think  you're  beautiful,   but   i  wasn't    entirely checking  you  out.  i  just   notice   you  looked  really  nice  in  jeans.   if  that  makes  any  sense  "     he   can't    help   but  let  a   soft   smile   form   on   his   lips   when  she  leans  slightly  towards him. "  cute  "   the    remark   rolls    off    his   tongue  with  him  not  being  able to  stop  it.    


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auriel didn't seem to be too bothered by his statement even though he regretted it. " good. " she nodded once at bruce. upon being asked that question, auriel let a small nervous smile overtake her features. " maybe because i cried in front of you the first time we met each other? though, it could be something else. " the nervousness faded from her smile soon enough and was replaced with something... reassuring. auriel met the other's eyes as she spoke up, " hey, cheer up. i thought it was funny; i was only teasing with the little head-shake i did. " her right leg started to bounce up and down as a sort of nervous energy seemed to return to her. " really? i mean, i just didn't want to assume because, as the phrase goes: 'assuming makes an asshole out of you and me.' but if you want to pay for me... i won't stop you. though, i most definitely will be paying you back for the meal once i get a job, alright? " 
            // ; aww -- well, now you're gonna make me root for him LOL nah, i don't mean that in a bad way or anything, because i still think it's rather cute (': but dang. all i have to say is auriel is still going through a lot mentally, so she may be kind of distant during the date... but just know it's not his fault lmao i'm sure he'll do fine, though, right? i love the concept of him being happy about it though GAHHH


// ; cb a number for a one-liner! i'm trying to be active here 


(  .. ) :          twelve   <33