
I'm (kind of) back from the dead!  Giving this Tap app a shot with a budding story - link below. It ultimately will be written into novel form, but it's cool starting it in such a different mode of storytelling.


hi, i know it says you’re on hiatus bc of school, and i was wondering if you were still thinking of returning? i love your work :)


@galactic-squid Hi!! I'm so sorry I'm replying this late D: So I fell into a slump for a long time because of school, and I'm still struggling to get out of it. I do plan on posting a new story sometime this year, a new one, or maybe continue working on The Whipping Tree. I haven't given up all my hope yet, so I guess my answer is yes! I will return! And I just wanted to say thank you so much for this message - it means a lot and keeps me going :) take care!!


Sorry for the late reply, been super busy! I'm not often around as of late! If you ever need help just drop me a PM in my inbox and if you want something read over I'll be glad to give it a look and see what I think. It might take me some time to get to it since real life often gets in the way of the fun stuff of reading, but I'll do it when I have time! :)


Hello everyone!
          Three semi interesting things:
          I've updated The Whipping Tree! (Finally.) Made some changes to the plot that I'm quite happy about :D
          The second is that I entered Imaginer into the Young Writer's Prize contest, so if you like what you're reading, vote! (Kind of odd sending this out to followers since most of you are already/were Imaginer readers so you've probably voted, but I figured I'd send one out anyway heh.) And if you REALLY enjoyed reading it, maybe spread the word?
          And the last--Imaginer recently surpassed 100K reads and 3K votes, all thanks to you guys! Really never thought it would get anywhere near those uh, stats so thankyouthankyouthankyoueveryonedeservesfiftyhelpingsoftheirfavouritefoodandthenwecanallhavefoodbabiestogetherohmygosh
          Much love! *pmuah*