
Hi guys, I know you have been waiting for updates on The Shadow King, I am very sad to say it is on hold for now, I have been struggling to write due to my mental illness, I have realy bad writer block, if you guys have any ideas on how to get inspired please let me know. 


Hi guys, I know you have been waiting for updates on The Shadow King, I am very sad to say it is on hold for now, I have been struggling to write due to my mental illness, I have realy bad writer block, if you guys have any ideas on how to get inspired please let me know. 


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Hey guys. I am so sorry for not updating. I have a major case of writer's block. I am literary just looking at a bunch of shit I wrote in shadow king and I'm like fuck I hate it and it's not good enough. so I am working on it and hopefully will be updating soon. Love you guys


Hey guys, sorry for being MIA for a long while, im so busy at work due to this virus but do not fear i will be updating soon, I'm busy with the next chapter of Shadow Queen, just wanted to thank you guys for all the votes, reads and comments. I hope all of you are safe and healthy 


@masterprox963 I have a bad case of writers block, but i am pushing through it and will try to update the end of this week 


@forgotten1tlr1  Any update on when you're going to be posting again?