; recently i’ve noticed a bit of a imbalance of variety of star wars anons ( which is fine everyone is free to rp as who they like ) . it would just be cool if we began to see some more of the underrated or less covered characters pop up . in addition i have seen i guess what one might consider a troll pop up . granted i am not involved , i don’t know the full story , && it’s definitely not my place . but it got me thinking about how we might be able to increase variety , && combat not appropriate behavior . ( plus other things . ) and it reminded me of the old ( swsociety ) accounts from back in the day . so i was thinking we could bring that back — maybe to organize the rp community a bit ? i’ve already claimed a @ for it ( @swrpnetwork ) . so if anyone would be interested in being involved please let me know . ( i’m sure i’ll do a admin call eventually ) or if you thoroughly dislike it please let me know . i always appreciate feedback . hope everyone is staying safe && healthy ! may the force be with you all ! - azor

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/ yES i fucking agree . there are alot of sw anons who just make humans all the time when there are so many unique alien species and jobs to choose from . trandoshans , kel dor , nautolans and so many more . im gonna stop there because ill just sound salty after a while :') t h a t s a l l i m g o i n g t o r a n t a b o u t