Hi there, hope your weekend is going well. Mine is slipping away from me once more. I still have work prep to do and am meeting my sister later. It's so hard to get a run of time to write... but I do have Easter coming up, so that's good.

Have a great time with your friends. That is more important than anything I think. Although that's probably the wrong thing to say or think when trying to write a novel!! but we're not machines ... Hope the work on the website goes more smoothly than you're anticipating, fingers crossed

@storieswillunfold Feeling slightly adrift this weekend. I have friends calling by this PM ( which is welcome)and then have repair work to do on my agent's web site (not so welcome, always takes longer than I expect) - I am FRA's web manager as well as its longest serving client. There is never enough time - so I'm very grateful that you're taking so much of it to read and comment on my work when you should be getting on with your own. I was thinking about keeping a notebook and pen handy to jot down any forward thinking so that, in theory, I just have to copy the notes into Word and then fill in the gaps between thoughts. Easter will definitely be useful.