Hi. My name is Kristina, and I use "Google translator" to communicate with the British, or I don't know. I wonder how you communicate? Do you have any manners? Do you have many conflicts occur? Just I'm from Russia and I'm Russian. I was always curious to know how are the British. If this translation will seem ridiculous to you, just know I used a translator . I would be glad if you answer me. And tell me... a good translation? Competent? Or Kal - Malle (terrible) ? Please respond. To me it's... interesting to know. I just write for the first time with the English translator. However, I will be delighted if someone can answer me.
@Haila2009 I'm sorry but, I actually just use the internet as well. I'm not British, I'm actually from the Philippines. I just search the internet for British things. It shouldn't be so hard for us.