
@PaintTheRainbowBlack awww thank you! 


Joepecppekpevkidwkprvw OMFG guys, I'm so so so so so sorry that I haven't updated any of my stories in forever, college has really fucked me over and it's been chaos trying to figure out new courses to take, so I'm hoping to update tomorrow! If not someone can shoot me


I'm so shocked over the response my MCR story has gotten, it's recently gotten over 3000 reads and I'm so grateful that you guys enjoy my writing. All the comments mean so much to me, even if it is just you guys badgering me to update ahah 
          I promise I will update soon, it's snowing hard here so I have a day off tomorrow so I might update c: 
          Again, I'm so grateful for you votes and feedback! I'm glad you like the story, thank you :')
          ~ Xarla :)