
My grandma had been going in and out of the hospital since Christmas. Sadly last night was her final battle as she had passed away. It's hard on my family and me along with everyone around me. She did a great service for her country and died happy and with family around her who wouldn't have been there if she hadn't served and fought those battles and tended to those who were wounded. If she hadn't done that then many families wouldn't be a thing, who knows, it could have been your family she saved. You will never know. May she fight on in peace. What a helluva way to die...


My grandma had been going in and out of the hospital since Christmas. Sadly last night was her final battle as she had passed away. It's hard on my family and me along with everyone around me. She did a great service for her country and died happy and with family around her who wouldn't have been there if she hadn't served and fought those battles and tended to those who were wounded. If she hadn't done that then many families wouldn't be a thing, who knows, it could have been your family she saved. You will never know. May she fight on in peace. What a helluva way to die...


My bf lives in Germany and I asked about his family history yesterday because they lived in Germany for a long time and found out something... interesting to say the least.. his great-grandfather is still alive but was part of the Waffen SS as a soldier during WWII and even went on to guarding a camp then went back to the front lines and fought in the battle of Berlin. I found that interesting. His great-grandpa says he was following orders because he didn't want to be executed, he didn't agree with the orders at all.
           He was forced to join the SS. I wrote a message to his great-grandpa. Nothing bad but I instead thanked him for his service. I told him "Both sides suffered greatly and not everyone was bad. Don't beat yourself up for something you couldn't control" and my bf is going to translate it back to him in German. 
          He is a nice man but is slowly losing his memory, I asked if he had any mementos or antiques he wanted to give me and promised they would be put to good use. I also asked for stories he had and that I would write a book about them both digital and paper copies. Just remember they were humans too, what they did was very wrong, yes but we aren't a different species from each other. We should treat others as human beings no matter what. Hatred gets you nowhere, history has taught us that a lot of times. If you had any family members who served you can dm me here and tell me any stories they said.
           idc what war it was they fought in, everyone deserves to be heard. The past is the past. Your family history and your history shouldn't make you ashamed of who you are.


I found out what pet I truly want and its a cute one. a Flemish giant rabbit, because they are huge, fluffy, cute, and very mischievous sometimes. I also know they thump when mad but omg it's so adorable when they do. Just being a lil pain in the ass lmao. I want one so bad and my bf want's me to get one too because he likes the idea of a bunny


As they stand atop a skyscraper they look at each other and nod in agreement. They then walk forward and unholster their gun and aim at the unknown entity. They fire right at it as they struggle to keep the recoil of the gun from knocking them back and keep it in place. 
          The one with the glasses yells "CROSS THE STREAMS!" and they do so, an explosion happens and everything goes silent. An hour later they come out of the front doors of the bottom floor in front of the crowd of people. Everyone is silent then one of the hero's yell "WE CAME, WE SAW, WE KICKED IT'S ASS!" and enter the car then turn on the sirens and drive away as everyone cheers them on. 
          32 years later a kid is snooping around her deceased grandpa's house with a weird gadget and notices it leads her to the floor. She opens the hidden hole in the floor and finds what her grandpa left for her...
          A ghost trap. It starts glowing.
          (R.I.P Harold Ramis)


"Back in 2003, infinity ward released a brand new game and it was call of duty. Back in 2003.. It started off quite small and it was innovative, an fps set in world war 2 and it was amazing. Then in 2005 came the highly awaited call of duty 2 and at the time it was so underrated. Then in 2006 treyarch released their first major cod game and it was cod 3. Back in 2006. Then a year later we saw the release of cod 4, modern warfare was so good, it what we had always asked for! Then in 2008 treyarch released world at war, a classic game to all cod fans, nazi zombies was no bore. Then in 2009 infinity ward came out with their second modern warfare back in 2009... Moving on the year treyarch released black ops, a series that we know in love and it was sure to blast off, infinity war then came out with their final modern warfare, completing the trilogy set of great games that they made there. Then in 2012 came black ops 2, treyarch did a good job and we all loved it, back in 2012. Then came the downfall of cod, people hated ghosts, maps to big and people died too quickly. Back in 2013.... Then sledgehammer games stepped up and tried to redeem it, boost jumping around everywhere, it made me want to rage quit, was no better than ghosts, although they tried to make it, cods futuristic now, more than we've ever seen it. Now in 2016, we have black ops 3, well see if it lives up what it supposed to be, it is much better than the last two cod games that we see. Another great cod game to go back down in history. Later in 2016 well see the release of a brand new cod game that is released yearly, [later in 2016 2x] what will it be? Will it be another futuristic call of duty? Please give us what was old.... Back in 2003, infinity ward released a brand new game and it was call of duty, [back in 2003]. Back in 2003, infinity ward released a brand new game and it was call of duty. Back in 2003...." 
          -Anex "Back In 2003" COD song
          (tryna make myself feel better btw and stuff)


this message may be offensive
tw: vent
          messaged my ex Friday asking if we could try again because I knew (well now) that I fucked it all up in 6th grade when we were dating and they haven't said yes or no but seem a bit different towards me... 
          I just feel like I fuck up everything and make everyone pissed at me. I feel like I pissed them off and put them in a position they don't want to be in... Why do I always fuck up everything..?
          I feel like I'm such a fuck up... I feel like I messed up other's lives and I don't know what to do anymore... should I just give up on trying at this point..?