
{  thank you for the follow ,  love !  i really appreciate it and your aesthetics are godly !! love you ,  xoxo }


            //  well in all of your followers’ opinions ,  it’s great !  and thank you lots ,  that means so much to me !


@-richgirl ╱ my aesthetic isnt even that good in my opinion- yours is better :0
            you're welcome, by the way


do you always look so dead inside?


@foxhelms ,,    well hopefully i’ll get to see it one day.  ‘m sure you have somewhat of a nice smile.   *   despite being a so called “sex” addict,  she was a genuinely nice person. or maybe it was just flirting—   a chuckle parted from her slightly glossed lips  *   yeah.  *  she confirmed with a soft smile,  as if calling him that wasn’t a bad thing at all.  for her,  it might’ve leaned more to the compliment side.  *  you know who tim burton is,  right?  i don’t know why but you give off the same energy as his movies.  


@pegallmen          ::          *  the  middle  blocker  vaguely  elevated  his  dextral  brow  at  the  sheila  ―  an  unconvinced  croon  erupting  within  his  throat  succeeding  her  response.  *  not  exactly  an  addict  ―  just  really  enjoy  doing  it.  i  do  flash  a  smile  once  in  a  while  ―  just  not  in  public.  *  both  irises  marginally  incandesced  with  delight  at  his  newfound  nickname  ―  despite  being  informed  that  he  resembled  a  walking  corpse  a  few  seconds  later.  *  a  walking  corpse?  thats  a  new  one.


@foxhelms ,,   not exactly an addict.  i just really like having sex.  it’s one of the common pleasures of life. *  she spoke with a shrug of her shoulders  *  but i can live without it.  ‘m just saying you could flash a smile once in a while,  pretty boy,  you’re like a fuckin walking corpse.  but whatever,  you do you.