
this message may be offensive
Urgh, ignore the shit that I said just now. You would think that having lots of mental breakdown would numb you to it but no, still feeling it and making me do shits I don't want to


this message may be offensive
Urgh, ignore the shit that I said just now. You would think that having lots of mental breakdown would numb you to it but no, still feeling it and making me do shits I don't want to


this message may be offensive
for fuck sake... I just want to go to comic fiesta at least once... You two promised and now both of you are acting like I am the devil itself... I don't even have the confidence to say that I can still be alive for next year comic fiesta... I am slowly dying now because all of you dismissed me few years ago when I said that I am coughing up blood... Father keeps on messing up his business then blames it you two and both of you take it out on me... Do you two want me to set up a patron so that my readers donate money? I really don't like it since I would lose out the shield called not being paid for writing... Getting reviews, messages, threatening me because of what I write... So tired...


            no problem if you need a break to figure things out that ok


@freezxp I hope it gets better for you


can I put your book into my arknights recommendations book?


@partypuppy99 Sure and you don't need my approval if you want to put my books into your recommendation book


yo pal long time  no see! Am here to give you a suggestion,if you like to make your character suffer may I suggest you the world girls' frontline? 


@Seraphim_Godverse nice to see a fellow man of culture


@ freezxp don't worry about brother! And I see you're also a man of culture, I can only add RPK-16 to ump45 and hk416 as my waifu


@Seraphim_Godverse yo, also apologies since I don't remember you and I was already planning on making a gfl fic lol since ump45 and hk416 are my waifu