
I hate this app might move to ao3 (guys I’ve been using WattPad since 2019, this is just one of my many alt accs)


hi guys, this is vxmp's editor, and unfortunately she has come down with a serious chest infection and tonsillitis. She's been extremely ill he past week and won't be returning until further notice, thank you so much for understanding, lets keep her in our prayers (or not, if you don't pray)!


I hate writing fanfics most of the time cos like I’ll be all happy writing something and then suddenly I’m not interested in it anymore. Like I literally only started FALLING LIGHT as I had a movie marathon with my friends and we watched Harry Potter but now I’ve watched the Trunk and so want to write a fic for that 


guys please let me know if you are enjoying FALLING LIGHT! I'm worried that it's not that well written. If you are, fantastic, if not, please tell me how I can improve! I wrote it on a whim, like literally I just started writing it out of nowhere, so if any of you dislike it, please do let me know!


Listen, I know Danganronpa has been cancelled over and over again, but has my one watched “Project: Eden’s Garden”? It’s a fan made series on yt that is gunna be a game I believe inspired by Danganronpa and the protagonist is so interesting, as in a usual Danganronpa game, he would’ve been the Antagonist. I’m actually in love. Monokuma’s counterpart is so funny too, I love him ❤️❤️ there’s also a communist, and I find it interesting how the creator has given all their characters different political backgrounds, makes it 10 times more interesting :D


I’ve FINALLY figured out a posting schedule!!! I believe I can post five scenes every Friday! However I do have exams from the 13th to the 17th so that may prove to be rather difficult, and with my Work Experience the week after, I may struggle to find time. Luckily the place where I am completing my Work Experience is a three minute walk from my house, so it shouldn’t prove to be that much of an issue ❤️ 
          Happy reading!!