
 By the way I read the book ...it was awesome although I don't read ghost like books buy it was awesome..the book reflect a lot about life..and how sometimes people are judgemental About other pple while they forget to understand why the involved just have to make some. 
          Choices...buh lesson everything DAT happen to someone  life should happen whether good or bad because  they make them realize themselves...


@sweetlybeutiful when you knw who you are and you embrace yourself dat is what really matters..the world or life will never be fair so only up to you to be fair to yourself...and support yourself love yourself and protect yourself..just start by being your own safetyy net.,then you can let others in ...,its still me ann...,hope all will be well...with you....my absence doesnt mean i dont care it means dat i think obout you and i want everything to be ok with you..,hope you keep smilling everyday....its healthy...